giblish is developed using the rbenv ruby version manager. It is strongly recommended to setup and use this tool when developing or building giblish.

Building giblish as a gem

Setup dependencies
  1. Setup your rbenv environment.

  2. Check out the branch you want to build.

  3. Open a terminal in the top directory of the checked-out branch.

  4. Install giblish' dependencies using bundle install

    1. Note The mathematical gem is currently a development dependency for giblish and it can be a bit tricky to build and install its native dependencies. How to do that is outside the scope of this document.

Run the unit tests
  1. Run the unit tests using bundle exec rake.

Build the gem
  1. Build the gem using bundle exec gem build

Publish a release

  1. Create a new release in GitHub using the same version nr as stated in …​/lib/version.rb.

  2. Build the gem using the steps from Building giblish as a gem.

  3. Publish the gem to by running bundle exec gem push giblish-<version>.gem