We decided to rework some of the AsciiDoc syntax in Asciidoctor 1.5.0 in an effort to make it more consistent, deterministic and easy to learn. You can learn more about the changes in the Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release notes.

Compatibility is very important to us, so we’ve added a compatibility mode as well as a transitional syntax to ease migration from Asciidoctor 0.1.4 to Asciidoctor 1.5.0. This document explains how to enable compat(ibility) mode, if you’re not yet ready to migrate, as well as the migration scenarios, for when you are ready to make the switch. It also draws your attention to a few minor changes you’ll need to be aware of that could affect your content.

Compat mode

If you can’t migrate right now, you can activate compatibility mode by setting the document-level compat-mode attribute or by using a setext-style (i.e., two-line) document title.

In compat mode, most of Asciidoctor 1.5.0’s syntax modifications that deviate from the legacy AsciiDoc syntax are reverted. This mode does not disable syntax unique to Asciidoctor, such as inline icons (e.g., icon:fire[]).

You can define the compat-mode attribute in the document header:


using the -a commandline flag:

-a compat-mode

or using the attributes option in the API:

attributes: %w(compat-mode)

Alternatively, you can enable compat mode by using a setext-style (i.e., two-line) section title:

Document Title

Content parsed in compat-mode by default.

Since setext-style headings are typically used in older AsciiDoc documents, this convention allows Asciidoctor to accomodate these older documents without having to wake any sleeping giants ;)

You can set compat-mode anywhere in the flow of a document.

Setting and unsetting compat-mode in a document
:compat-mode: (1)

Sometimes you feel 'compat'.

:compat-mode!: (2)

Sometimes you _don't_.
1 Set compat-mode within the body of a document.
2 Unset compat-mode using a bang (!) within the body of a document.

Compat mode will be supported for the foreseeable future to avoid unnecessary disruption to your content.

If you want to begin migration to the modern syntax, read on.

Migration scenarios

There are several scenarios that are affected by Asciidoctor 1.5.0’s changes to the AsciiDoc syntax:

  • Monospaced normal text (text that doesn’t contain any AsciiDoc syntax)

  • Monospaced text without substitutions (you want to prevent the monospaced text from being interpreted)

  • Monospaced text with substitutions (you want the monospaced text to be interpreted)

  • Smart quote shorthand

Let’s first consider the legacy syntax used in each of these examples.

Legacy syntax

Here’s the legacy syntax (Asciidoctor 0.1.4 and earlier) for the scenarios listed above.

  • +monospaced normal text+ or `monospaced normal text`

  • `{asciidoctor-version} holds the version` (attribute is not replaced)

  • +The Asciidoctor version is {asciidoctor-version}+ (attribute is replaced)

  • ``double quoted'' and `single quoted' (quotes are curved)

New syntax

Here are those same three scenarios using the syntax in Asciidoctor 1.5.0.

  • `monospaced normal text`

  • `+{asciidoctor-version} holds the version+` (attribute is not replaced)

  • `The Asciidoctor version is {asciidoctor-version}` (attribute is replaced)

  • "`double quoted`" and '`single quoted`' (quotes are curved)

To escape single smart quotes in the legacy syntax, you place a single backslash in front of the start quote (e.g., \``single quoted''). In the new syntax, you need to use a backslash before the start quote and before the end quote (e.g., \'`single quoted\`'). That’s because `' is an unconstrained (anywhere) right smart quote replacement.

Before jumping to the new syntax, you need to understand that it won’t be parsed correctly by Asciidoctor 0.1.4. Unfortunately, we can’t control when Asciidoctor is upgraded on services like GitHub, so there will be a period of time when you will need to use a syntax that works on both versions. So what do we do? The answer, use the transitional syntax.

Transitional syntax

The transitional syntax allows you to pin-point the locations in your document that you’ll eventually want to migrate to the modern syntax, but can’t yet until Asciidoctor 0.1.4 is phased out.

To use the transitional syntax, simply add the role x- in front of the legacy syntax to indicate that you want Asciidoctor 1.5.0 to use the old behavior. Naturally, Asciidoctor 0.1.4 already understands the old syntax and will simply ignore the role.

Transitional syntax
  • `monospaced normal text` (No transitional syntax necessary!)

  • [x-]`{asciidoctor-version} holds the version` (attribute is not replaced)

  • [x-]+The Asciidoctor version is {asciidoctor-version}+ (attribute is replaced)

  • “double quotes” and ‘single quotes’

There isn’t transitional syntax for curved (i.e., smart) quotes. Instead, we encourage you to enter the smart quotes directly into your document. It is UTF-8 after all!

Let’s consider an example.

Example: Using the transitional syntax

Assume you want to put italics inside of monospaced text. If you want the syntax to work in both Asciidoctor and AsciiDoc Python, you need to do one of the following:

  1. Enable the compat-mode attribute on the document and enter the text as:

    +cat _filename_+
  2. Don’t enable the compat-mode attribute and enter the text as:

    [x-]+cat _filename_+

You can think of [x-] as a local compat mode setting.

If you aren’t worried about how the document renders on services like GitHub, you can start using the modern syntax immediately.

Migration cheatsheet

The following table provides a migration cheatsheet that compares the legacy, transitional and modern syntax side-by-side.

Table 1. Syntax migration cheatsheet
Legacy Transitional Modern Rendered

'italic text'


_single quoted_

italic text

+monospaced text+


`monospaced text`

monospaced text

`monospaced text`


`monospaced text`

monospaced text









``double quoted''

“double quoted”

"`double quoted`"

“double quoted”

`single quoted'

‘single quoted’

'`single quoted`'

‘single quoted’

If you have feedback about the new syntax, feel free to let us know in the issue tracker.

TOC (Table of Contents) positioning

Say goodbye to the toc2 attribute. It’s deprecated!

As of Asciidoctor 1.5.0, the toc2, toc-placement and toc-position attributes have been combined into a more expressive toc attribute. The toc attribute does it all! It’s now responsible for enabling the table of contents and specifying the location where it should appear.

For example, to activate the table of contents in the left sidebar, define the toc attribute in the document header with the value of left.

Enable the (left) sidebar table of contents
= Document Title
Author Name
:toc: left

If you want to position the table of contents manually, then you’d set the value of the toc attribute to macro (not manual) and use the toc::[] macro to indicate the location where the table of contents should appear.

Position the sidebar explicitly
= Document Title
Author Name
:toc: macro

some content


more content

The following list shows the permitted values for the toc attribute:

  • auto (default value when the toc attribute value is blank)

  • left

  • right

  • preamble

  • macro

We recommend you remove all other attributes that affect the positioning of the toc from your document or launch scripts (i.e., toc2, toc-placement and toc-position).

For more information about the table of contents, see the Table of Contents section of the user manual.

Font Awesome upgrade (3.2.1 → 4.1)

The Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release brought an upgrade from Font Awesome 3.2.1 to 4.1. Font Awesome 4 introduced a new naming pattern for icons. This won’t affect any of the built-in use of Font Awesome, such as admonition icons, but it does affect the inline icon macro. If you use the inline icon macro, consult the mapping between old and new names to ensure you don’t have any broken images.

If you want to continue to use the old icon names, you can incorporate the font-awesome-3-compat.css file from the Asciidoctor repository into your generated HTML using a docinfo file.